September 15, 2013 - 10 years since the idea was born In the summer of that year, I was driving through a small village where I saw a pile of old zinc beverage crates behind a fence. In September, my wife and I went to the South of France to Beziers to an antiques fair. In the morning at breakfast in a restaurant on the beach I spotted an upholstered bar stool made from two coca cola crates. I tell my wife "look, this is the best present for my birthday". After returning home, I looked up the owner of the crates and bought them all and THAT STARTED IT.
We want to thank for the great support and advice to Sylvie and Delfine - Paris (objets en transit) further many thanks to Raymond – NL (old goods) and now MARVEL STUDIOS which found our furniture for their new movie GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 Lucian – Wiena (twenty six gallery) Stuart – London (stuart trevor)
Meating room Berlin

Private kitchen

Shop Jack Beauty department - Berlin
